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ICEA Eco Bio Detergent certification


The Eco Detergency and Eco Bio Detergency certifications are voluntary product certifications issued by ICEA on the basis of a verification of conformity of the products and the production process to the requirements indicated in the Eco Bio and Eco Detergency Regulations.
ICEA has initiated a regulatory process for the sector which, to date, has produced a specification shared by the parties interested in the production, marketing and consumption of these products.

The main requirements that the standard aims to guarantee are:

-the absence of ecologically “risky” materials in both the product and the packaging material
-the absence of non-vegetable raw materials considered "at risk", i.e. allergenic, irritating or considered harmful to human health and the environment
packaging from renewable raw materials, recyclable materials or linked to an empty return system
-a product with good performance and effectiveness comparable to conventional high-end products.

Products bearing the Eco Bio Detergency indication are obtained using plant-based raw materials from organic cultivation or spontaneous collection certified pursuant to EC Reg. 834/07 (or other international reference standards: e.g. NOP, JAS, COR, etc.).