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FSC Wood certification


FSC is an international and independent certification for the forestry sector and for products (wood and non-wood) derived from forests and represents the maximum guarantee on the origin of wood and paper. There are two types of FSC certifications: Forest Management certification, for forest owners and managers, and Chain of Custody certification, for companies processing and/or trading in forest products. The criteria for obtaining this certification also concern social and economic requirements and therefore guarantee the correct management of the entire supply chain. To guarantee these requirements, the FSC brand, which is in fact a non-profit NGO, includes among its members indigenous populations, environmental and social sector associations as well as wood production and trading activities.
FSC certification guarantees that "the raw material used to make a wood or paper product comes from forests where rigorous environmental, social and economic standards are respected".
Wood is one of the first natural materials used by man to build structures and tools. Despite being a renewable raw material, the indiscriminate cutting of entire forests represents a major problem for the future of the planet. According to FAO data, every year we lose 5.2 million hectares of forest to make room for intensive agriculture and livestock farming. Often behind these disastrous deforestations there are large multinationals that put pressure on governments in the south of the world with serious social as well as environmental consequences.