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Fairtrade Cotton Ethical Certification


Fairtrade is a global organization that, with the certification mark of the same name, aims to guarantee better living conditions for producers in developing countries by promoting fairer and more ethical trade.
Fairtrade Standards are rigorous rules, established at international level, which all actors in the supply chain (producers, traders, processors) must comply with. Fairtrade International has so far established the Standards for about 300 raw materials according to a process that directly involves producers, with models that are continuously revised and improved.

For producers:

- mandatory training on environmentally sustainable agricultural practices;
- prohibition of any discrimination based on sex, age, religious affiliation, political preference, etc.;
-prohibition of child labor;
-prohibition of forced labor; guarantee of freedom of association of workers;
-obligation of regular hiring governed by contract;
-obligation of business development plans.

For traders:

-obligation to conclude binding and transparent contracts with your supplier and to respect them;
- creation of lasting relationships with suppliers and mutual support; pre-financing obligation;
-obligation to pay the highest possible price above the Fairtrade Minimum Price;
-payment of a Premium for the development of activities in favor of the community.

For transformers:

- requirements relating to certification, use of the trademark and packaging of finished and unfinished products;
- provisions relating to commercial practices (traceability, contracts, pre-financing);
-rules to follow to make Fairtrade's unique approach to development more visible.