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Vegetable tanned leather


Vegetable tanning of hides dates back to prehistoric times when men discovered, probably by chance, that animal skin, if left to soak together with wood and leaves, once dry did not rot and could be used to cover themselves. Practically the tannins contained in all vegetables are able to block the putrefaction of hides. They also discovered that the lime produced by the stones of the hearth facilitated the detachment of the hair from the skin. This type of tanning based on water, lime and vegetables was used for several centuries as the only system to allow the hides to resist over time.

Currently, vegetable tanning has almost disappeared, replaced by the advent of chemical tanning based on chrome, with the risk that such ancient knowledge will be lost. In fact, the long manufacturing processes that require expert craftsmen and the limited colorations make vegetable tanned leather a difficult product to find. While tanning based on chrome is a faster industrial process that significantly reduces production costs at the expense of the environment. In fact, these tanneries pollute the water and the atmosphere with their chemical waste.

Vegetable tanning still retains its artisanal charm and the finished products have the warmth of a product that improves over time by absorbing experience; furthermore the colours are warm and unique and do not fear the fashions of the moment.