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Terra Nuova Magazine September 2024

€2,00 €5,00


In focus: Quality pasta: how to recognize it? How to understand if a pasta is good for us and for the environment – ​​Mushrooms for health. Mycotherapy to strengthen the immune system and promote healing mechanisms – Women who explore the divine. Erica Bassani's project to give voice to spiritual "teachers" – Railways to be saved. Committees in defense of secondary railway lines – Free-range and happy chickens. The fundamental role of chickens in permaculture design – Biodynamic: a family choice. A change of life to produce healthy food and regenerate the land – New school buildings: the impact on the environment and on the quality of the educational offer. Trees and urban parks are sacrificed for the construction of new schools.

Full summary:
IN THE SPOTLIGHT – Quality pasta: how to recognize it?
Pasta is one of the Italian products par excellence, but not too much, given the high percentage of foreign grains imported mainly from Russia. Organic producers also stand out for their drying methods and ethics throughout the supply chain. Here's how to recognize a quality pasta, good for us and for the environment. Recommended reading: Ancient grains, Rebel food.
HEALTH – Mushrooms of health
There are now thousands of studies that attest to the effectiveness of mycotherapy in strengthening the immune system and promoting the body's healing mechanisms. We discuss this with two experts, Dr. Stefania Cazzavillan and Dr. Walter Ardigò. Recommended reading: I grow my own organic mushrooms.
NEW PARADIGMS – Women Exploring the Divine
Erica Bassani's project to give voice to the spiritual "teachers" who embody the search for the depth of life in the world and who can inspire an awakening of consciences. A crowdfunding campaign has also been launched to support it. Recommended reading: Women exploring the divine.
ECOVILLAGGI.IT – News and insights from the Italian Eco Village Network
MOBILITY – Railways to be saved
From the mountains to the sea, along the coasts, on the islands, secondary railway lines climb to connect every corner of our beautiful country. Unfortunately subjected to a reckless cut for decades, they are defended by committees of citizens and commuters, and some manage to be reborn.
PERMACULTURE – Free-range and happy chickens
Family-run chicken and hens farming is the basis of many rural food systems and is very different from the methods and practices of industrial farming. The fundamental role of chickens in permaculture design, for better coexistence between humans and animals. Recommended reading: Happy chickens in permaculture.
AGRICULTURE – Biodynamic: a family choice
A change of life for a dignified job, to produce healthy food and regenerate the land. The encounter with biodynamic agriculture by family-run companies is a step forward that improves agricultural production and inaugurates a new lifestyle. Recommended readings: Biodynamic viticulture, The unbearable effectiveness of biodynamic agriculture, Family biodynamic garden.
SCHOOL – New school buildings: the impact on the environment and on the quality of the educational offer
From Bologna to Pescara, trees and urban parks are being sacrificed for the construction of new schools. All financed with PNRR funds that, at least on paper, should be spent in compliance with the "Do No Significant Harm" principle, a guarantee of protection of the six sustainability principles that underpin the European Green Deal. In Bologna, thanks to the resistance of the committees, the Don Bosco park was saved.
POINTS OF VIEW – Raising awareness in schools
Schools and universities have long recognized the importance of physical education and sport, in light of the evident benefits of movement and exercise at all ages and starting from childhood. Recommended reading: Happy teachers change the world.


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    Altramoda's focus on the home is on companies that develop sustainable products with raw materials of natural origin, minimizing environmental impact.
    From soaps to laundry, from sheets to furniture, we want to combine well-being and sustainability.


    The products we select are natural and safe, from detergents that we ensure do not contain harmful substances, to objects for the home, bathroom, bedroom and kitchen, made with ecological, recycled and certified materials.


    We always prefer the choice of brands and companies that make green choices of environmental sustainability and production chain and work to develop products with low environmental impact, from formulation, to research of raw materials, to packaging.