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Fitted Washable Organic Cotton Diaper


Kids/Boys Sizes


Fitted diaper in wonderful 100% organic cotton fabric. The prefold diaper is quick to put on and easy to wash. The buttons are covered with cotton fabric on the inside so that they do not come into contact with the skin. The internal insert is sewn only in the front part to allow faster drying.

To increase the absorbency of your washable nappies, for example at night, you can add washable inserts, while to facilitate the removal of solid faeces you can use faeces collection sheets.

Composition: 100% GOTS certified organic cotton

Made with 8 layers of fabric.

Available in size L with green piping and size S with orange piping

Requires waterproof cover for washable diapers.


  • Size S 4-6.5kg
  • Size M 6.5-11kg
  • Size L 8.5-13.5kg

Nappies can be washed up to 95°C (the sufficient temperature for a wash that does not accelerate their wear is 60°C)

Wash diapers before first use. When washing, do not use fabric softener, it reduces the absorbency of the product.

We recommend using standard or specific detergents for washable nappies. Bile soap and castile soap can significantly reduce the absorbency of the product.

If necessary, to avoid changes in shape and size, it is recommended to slightly stretch the product to its original shape and size after each wash.

Washing diapers can cause a change in their size and shape (shrinkage or possibly stretching) by +/- 10%

Drying in the dryer is not recommended

The product has been certified according to the requirements of the Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic No. 84/2001 Coll. for products for children up to 3 years.

The product has been awarded the Česká kvalita / Zaručená kvalita (Czech Quality / Guaranteed Quality) seal.

Tested by TZÚ sp Brno Czech Republic, state textile testing company. www.tzu.cz


Washing Instructions


    L’attenzione di Altramoda si rivolge a quelle aziende che sviluppano prodotti sostenibili con materie prime di origine naturale, riducendo al minimo l’impatto ambientale.
    Dall'abbigliamento, ai saponi al bucato, dalle lenzuola all’arredo, vogliamo coniugare benessere e sostenibilità.


    I prodotti che selezioniamo sono naturali e sicuri, dai detersivi che ci assicuriamo non contengano sostanze nocive, agli oggetti per la casa, per il bagno, la camera da letto e la cucina, realizzati con materiali ecologici, riciclati e certificati.


    Prediligiamo sempre la scelta di brand e aziende che compiono scelte green di sostenibilità ambientale e di filiera produttiva e lavorano per sviluppare prodotti a basso impatto ambientale, dalla formulazione, alla ricerca delle materie prime, al packaging.