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Organic Essence Facial Konjac Sponge


Color: Black


Amorphphallus Konjak is a perennial plant native to Asia that grows wild in high altitude areas of China, Korea and Japan and is therefore very pure and not subject to pollution. For more than a century the Japanese have used Konjak as a beauty treatment as it contains proteins, carbohydrates, iron, phosphorus, copper, zinc, vitamins A-B1-B2-B6-B12-CDE and folic acid. Konjac sponges are 100% natural and biodegradable, they are naturally alkaline so they balance the acidity of impurities and oil in the skin. Their structure, similar to that of a mesh, gently massages and exfoliates the skin, stimulating blood flow and the regeneration of dead cells.

  • White Sponge: it is the 100% pure sponge made exclusively with the roots of the Konjak plant. Perfect for all skin types, even hypersensitive skin or that of children and babies.
  • Green Sponge : ideal for combination and oily skin. The green sponge contains micro molecules that absorb dirt, oil and bacteria, while gently cleansing and exfoliating the face. Thanks to its antibacterial function, it promotes cell regeneration and detoxifies the skin. Its excellent absorption qualities make this sponge ideal for oily skin.
  • Orange Sponge : ideal for mature, damaged or devitalized skin. The sponge is perfect for sensitive and easily irritated, tired and dehydrated skin. Perfect for removing impurities and excellent for skin rejuvenation as it helps restore natural elasticity. Helps transform rough, hardened skin into soft, glowing skin. Great for skin that has had excess sun exposure or suffers from extreme weather conditions such as air conditioning and central heating.
  • Black Sponge : it is the ideal sponge for young, oily and acne-prone skin, the sponge is perfect for adolescent skin and for oily skin prone to blemishes and blackheads. Bamboo charcoal contains activated charcoal and various minerals that increase absorption capacity, ideal for removing excess sebum. Bamboo charcoal is also a natural antioxidant that helps fight acne-causing bacteria.

How to use : Konjak sponges can be used without adding detergents or soaps, if desired it is possible to use a much smaller quantity than usual because the sponge generates much more foam and increases the effectiveness of the detergent:

  • immerse the sponge in warm water for a few minutes until it absorbs all the water and becomes completely soft
  • Gently massage the sponge on your face with circular movements, paying particular attention to the most problematic areas. It is not necessary to use a cleansing product.
  • rinse the sponge thoroughly under the jet of water and wring out gently
  • hang the sponge with the appropriate thread so that it can dry completely.

In line with responsible consumption: the products marketed by Himalaya are extremely natural , cruelty free with an increasing use of organic raw materials. In particular, Maroma fragrances are made in compliance with IFRA (International Fragrance Association) safety standards, for a complete consumer guarantee, and are certified by Fair Trade India . Maroma products are packaged in ecological paper that recycles cotton waste, thus avoiding cutting down new trees.

Himalaya was born in 1989 with the aim of bringing extremely natural products, rich in tradition and culture, from ancient Ayurvedic wisdom, but also from traditional Italian phytotherapy. For this reason, from the beginning it looked to India , which for millennia has worked with a careful and respectful philosophy of human beings and the environment. From the beginning, the founders of Himalaya turned to the Auroville project, the international city created to be the evolutionary laboratory inspired by the integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo. The involvement has often turned into real economic and operational support , in the creation of the Tibetan Pavilion, which today is one of the liveliest realities of the Indian city, and for the activities of Auroville Village Action Group, for a project against the exploitation of child labor , which aims to train children and re-enter the working world at the right age.


Istruzioni di Lavaggio


    L’attenzione di Altramoda per la casa si rivolge a quelle aziende che sviluppano prodotti sostenibili con materie prime di origine naturale, riducendo al minimo l’impatto ambientale.
    Dai saponi al bucato, dalle lenzuola all’arredo, vogliamo coniugare benessere e sostenibilità.


    I prodotti che selezioniamo sono naturali e sicuri, dai detersivi che ci assicuriamo non contengano sostanze nocive, agli oggetti per la casa, per il bagno, la camera da letto e la cucina, realizzati con materiali ecologici, riciclati e certificati.


    Prediligiamo sempre la scelta di brand e aziende che compiono scelte green di sostenibilità ambientale e di filiera produttiva e lavorano per sviluppare prodotti a basso impatto ambientale, dalla formulazione, alla ricerca delle materie prime, al packaging.


Organic Essence Facial Konjac Sponge


Amorphphallus Konjak is a perennial plant native to Asia that grows wild in high altitude areas of China, Korea and Japan and is therefore very pure and not subject to pollution. For more than a century the Japanese have used Konjak as a beauty treatment as it contains proteins, carbohydrates, iron, phosphorus, copper, zinc, vitamins A-B1-B2-B6-B12-CDE and folic acid. Konjac sponges are 100% natural and biodegradable, they are naturally alkaline so they balance the acidity of impurities and oil in the skin. Their structure, similar to that of a mesh, gently massages and exfoliates the skin, stimulating blood flow and the regeneration of dead cells.

How to use : Konjak sponges can be used without adding detergents or soaps, if desired it is possible to use a much smaller quantity than usual because the sponge generates much more foam and increases the effectiveness of the detergent:

In line with responsible consumption: the products marketed by Himalaya are extremely natural , cruelty free with an increasing use of organic raw materials. In particular, Maroma fragrances are made in compliance with IFRA (International Fragrance Association) safety standards, for a complete consumer guarantee, and are certified by Fair Trade India . Maroma products are packaged in ecological paper that recycles cotton waste, thus avoiding cutting down new trees.

Himalaya was born in 1989 with the aim of bringing extremely natural products, rich in tradition and culture, from ancient Ayurvedic wisdom, but also from traditional Italian phytotherapy. For this reason, from the beginning it looked to India , which for millennia has worked with a careful and respectful philosophy of human beings and the environment. From the beginning, the founders of Himalaya turned to the Auroville project, the international city created to be the evolutionary laboratory inspired by the integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo. The involvement has often turned into real economic and operational support , in the creation of the Tibetan Pavilion, which today is one of the liveliest realities of the Indian city, and for the activities of Auroville Village Action Group, for a project against the exploitation of child labor , which aims to train children and re-enter the working world at the right age.


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