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3rd CHAKRA Essential Oil – Manipura



A synergy of essential oils dedicated to the Third Chackra , useful for harmonizing and rebalancing the Manipura energy center through an aromatherapy practice. Synergy of cypress, lemongrass, rosemary and bergamot.

It is the most important center of transformation and sublimation in which we distill food and emotions, solid and subtle nourishment. It is associated with the assimilation of physical and emotional experiences, transformation. Essential oils that harmonize the third chakra stimulate digestion and help transform the physical and emotional body of emotions. Synergy of "will" composed of essential oils that give dynamism, action, willpower, expansion. A hymn to life.

The third Chakra represents light, energy and characteristic activities closely linked to the Rosemary plant which exerts an action to strengthen the sense of identity by fueling dynamism and willpower. Muladhara represents our sun, our energy center therefore connected to Bergamot which expresses all the solar qualities of citrus fruits, helping us to walk our path with joy and serenity. Bergamot enables us to give and receive love, to radiate happiness and take care of the other elements corresponding to the third Chakra which represents interpersonal relationships and contact with the outside world. Manipura is our social identity, personal affirmation as the will to succeed aromatherapeutic qualities of Cypress which internalizes, shifts the attention from the "outside" to the "inside", allowing you to draw on your own internal resources.

Contents 5ml

Yellow color
Element: Fire
Keyword: City of Gems
Planet: Sun
It represents the center of transformation
Key phrase: Transformation

Take action with Aromatherapy practice
Spread the synergy. Lie on the floor with four other people, each with their head on another's stomach. One person begins by saying “ha” three times, followed by the next person and so on. As our head begins to bounce on the stomach below, the “ha”s soon become spontaneous laughter.

Manipura synergy composition:

Key plant
Rosemary: Fuels dynamism and willpower
They complete the synergy
Cipresso: The new direction
Bergamot: Dissolves blockages, relaxes the mind and instills positivity
Lemongrass: Removes nervous tension

How to use Chakra synergies?

  • In aromatherapy practice : choose the essential oil most suited to the meditative state you want to achieve, massage 2/3 drops of essential oil on the palms of your hands. Bring your hands to your face and closing your eyes, slowly inhale and exhale three times.
  • Aromatherapy massage : add a few drops of synergy to a cream and massage the affected area of ​​the body until completely absorbed (10 drops in 100 ml)
  • In environmental diffusion during meditation or yoga practice : choose the essential oil you want and diffuse it with the diffuser in the environment where you perform the practice

INCI : Synergy composed of 100% pure essential oils.
Cupressus sempervirens, Cymbopogon flexuosus, Rosmarinus officinalis, Citrus bergamia.

Warnings: Not recommended for use during pregnancy

Olfattiva is a company from Massa Lombarda (RA), born from Barbara Pozzi's passion for herbs and perfumes. The essential oils are extracted with extreme care, selecting the land and crops with the most suitable environmental conditions for the peak of the balsamic period. The extraction is carried out in small batches with a spagyric method , in some cases also using a distiller that can be transported to the collection site, in order to extract the maximum essence from the collected plants.

  • Olfactory does not test its perfumes on animals
  • it uses only natural substances, from which it extracts the aromas by squeezing or steam and dissolving them in edible alcohol. No chemical solvents or chemical fixatives are used.
  • produces aromas for the body, for the environment and for food.
  • Olfactory products have received the Vegan-Ok mark.


Istruzioni di Lavaggio


    I cosmetici di Altramoda e dei marchi che vendiamo sono di origine naturale (minerale o vegetale), con formulazioni equilibrate per la pelle e privi di sostanze poco sicure come siliconi, petrolati, conservanti, inquinanti, allergeni, SLS e SLES.


    Tutto ciò che applichiamo sulla pelle può essere assorbito e avere effetti nel lungo termine sulla salute. I cosmetici che Altramoda seleziona sono naturali, non danneggiano la nostra pelle con composti di sintesi


    Prediligiamo sempre la scelta di brand e aziende che compiono scelte green di sostenibilità ambientale e di filiera produttiva e lavorano per sviluppare prodotti a basso impatto ambientale, dalla formulazione, alla ricerca delle materie prime, al packaging.


3rd CHAKRA Essential Oil – Manipura


A synergy of essential oils dedicated to the Third Chackra , useful for harmonizing and rebalancing the Manipura energy center through an aromatherapy practice. Synergy of cypress, lemongrass, rosemary and bergamot.

It is the most important center of transformation and sublimation in which we distill food and emotions, solid and subtle nourishment. It is associated with the assimilation of physical and emotional experiences, transformation. Essential oils that harmonize the third chakra stimulate digestion and help transform the physical and emotional body of emotions. Synergy of "will" composed of essential oils that give dynamism, action, willpower, expansion. A hymn to life.

The third Chakra represents light, energy and characteristic activities closely linked to the Rosemary plant which exerts an action to strengthen the sense of identity by fueling dynamism and willpower. Muladhara represents our sun, our energy center therefore connected to Bergamot which expresses all the solar qualities of citrus fruits, helping us to walk our path with joy and serenity. Bergamot enables us to give and receive love, to radiate happiness and take care of the other elements corresponding to the third Chakra which represents interpersonal relationships and contact with the outside world. Manipura is our social identity, personal affirmation as the will to succeed aromatherapeutic qualities of Cypress which internalizes, shifts the attention from the "outside" to the "inside", allowing you to draw on your own internal resources.

Contents 5ml

Yellow color
Element: Fire
Keyword: City of Gems
Planet: Sun
It represents the center of transformation
Key phrase: Transformation

Take action with Aromatherapy practice
Spread the synergy. Lie on the floor with four other people, each with their head on another's stomach. One person begins by saying “ha” three times, followed by the next person and so on. As our head begins to bounce on the stomach below, the “ha”s soon become spontaneous laughter.

Manipura synergy composition:

Key plant
Rosemary: Fuels dynamism and willpower
They complete the synergy
Cipresso: The new direction
Bergamot: Dissolves blockages, relaxes the mind and instills positivity
Lemongrass: Removes nervous tension

How to use Chakra synergies?

  • In aromatherapy practice : choose the essential oil most suited to the meditative state you want to achieve, massage 2/3 drops of essential oil on the palms of your hands. Bring your hands to your face and closing your eyes, slowly inhale and exhale three times.
  • Aromatherapy massage : add a few drops of synergy to a cream and massage the affected area of ​​the body until completely absorbed (10 drops in 100 ml)
  • In environmental diffusion during meditation or yoga practice : choose the essential oil you want and diffuse it with the diffuser in the environment where you perform the practice

INCI : Synergy composed of 100% pure essential oils.
Cupressus sempervirens, Cymbopogon flexuosus, Rosmarinus officinalis, Citrus bergamia.

Warnings: Not recommended for use during pregnancy

Olfattiva is a company from Massa Lombarda (RA), born from Barbara Pozzi's passion for herbs and perfumes. The essential oils are extracted with extreme care, selecting the land and crops with the most suitable environmental conditions for the peak of the balsamic period. The extraction is carried out in small batches with a spagyric method , in some cases also using a distiller that can be transported to the collection site, in order to extract the maximum essence from the collected plants.

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