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Washable sanitary pads Night organic cotton 3 pcs

€22,63 €28,29

Color: Natural


Washable sanitary pads in 100% organic cotton. Both sides, both the white and the colored ones, are made of cotton, while the inside contains a layer of PU-coated polyester waterproof. The sanitary napkin is secured to the briefs by folding the flaps around and fixing them with the press stud (2 positions) . Place the colored side in contact with the skin and secure.

Dimensions: length approx. 33 cm - width approx. 8.5 cm

Available colors: natural (with colored stitching), flower pattern or floral pattern on a light blue background.

Pack of 3 night pieces suitable for the night or during the day for abundant flows.

Easy to wash: remove stains with castile soap and when you do the washing put it with the rest of the laundry. It dries quickly in the air, it can be left to dry in the sun or on the radiator.

If they remain stained you can soak them with a spoonful of percarbonate stain-removing salt and then wash them at 60°C

Produced in Türkiye under the Imse Vimse brand.

Continuous product if out of stock will be restocked.


ImseVimse was founded in 1988 and is based in the Swedish city of Visby. This company offers healthy, sustainable and affordable textile products for women and children: washable sanitary pads and panty liners, washable diapers, bibs, towels, wet bags...

From the beginning for the love of the environment they have chosen to use cotton that is grown organically , so that they can be sure of offering their customers healthy products. Production takes place mainly in Europe, especially in Latvia, but also in Türkiye and other countries. They impose rigorous standards on suppliers and manufacturers regarding environmental requirements and require annual checks on working conditions in factories. Their aim is for the products to meet the Oeko-Tex standard for fabrics and for ImseVimse to be ISO certified.


Prodotti in Turchia a marchio Imse Vimse.
ImseVimse nasce nel 1988 ed ha sede nella città svedese di Visby. Quest'azienda offre prodotti tessili sani, sostenibili e a prezzi accessibili per donne e bambini: assorbenti e salvaslip lavabili, pannolini lavabili, bavaglini, asciugamani, wet bags...

Fin dall'inizio per il amore dell'ambiente hanno scelto di utilizzare il cotone che è coltivato biologicamente, in modo che possano essere certi di offrire ai loro clienti prodotti sani. La produzione avviene principalmente in Europa, soprattutto in Lettonia, ma anche in Turchia ed altri paesi. Impongono rigorosi standard ai fornitori e produttori, per quanto riguarda i requisiti ambientali e chiedono di effettuare controlli annuali sulle condizioni di lavoro nelle fabbriche. Il loro obiettivo è che i prodotti soddisfino lo standard Oeko-Tex per i tessuti e che ImseVimse sia certificata ISO.

Istruzioni di Lavaggio

Facile da lavare: smacchialo con sapone di marsiglia e quando fai la lavatrice mettilo insieme al resto del bucato. Si asciuga velocemente all'aria, può essere messo ad asciugare al sole o sul termosifone.

Se ti restano macchiati puoi metterli in ammollo con un cucchiaio di sale smacchiante al percarbonato e poi lavarli a 60°C


    Il cotone biologico è noto per la sua morbidezza, resistenza e traspirabilità, offrendo un comfort superiore rispetto al cotone convenzionale. Puoi sottolineare come i prodotti di cotone biologico siano piacevoli da indossare e adatti a una varietà di attività quotidiane.


    Il cotone biologico è coltivato utilizzando pratiche agricole sostenibili che riducono al minimo l'uso di pesticidi e fertilizzanti sintetici, contribuendo a preservare la fertilità del suolo e a proteggere l'ecosistema. L'acquisto di prodotti di cotone biologico supporta la conservazione dell'ambiente e la riduzione dell'impatto ambientale.


    Prediligiamo sempre la scelta di brand e aziende che compiono scelte green di sostenibilità ambientale e di filiera produttiva e lavorano per sviluppare prodotti a basso impatto ambientale, dalla formulazione, alla ricerca delle materie prime, al packaging.

Imse Vimse

Washable sanitary pads Night organic cotton 3 pcs

€22,63 €28,29

Washable sanitary pads in 100% organic cotton. Both sides, both the white and the colored ones, are made of cotton, while the inside contains a layer of PU-coated polyester waterproof. The sanitary napkin is secured to the briefs by folding the flaps around and fixing them with the press stud (2 positions) . Place the colored side in contact with the skin and secure.

Dimensions: length approx. 33 cm - width approx. 8.5 cm

Available colors: natural (with colored stitching), flower pattern or floral pattern on a light blue background.

Pack of 3 night pieces suitable for the night or during the day for abundant flows.

Easy to wash: remove stains with castile soap and when you do the washing put it with the rest of the laundry. It dries quickly in the air, it can be left to dry in the sun or on the radiator.

If they remain stained you can soak them with a spoonful of percarbonate stain-removing salt and then wash them at 60°C

Produced in Türkiye under the Imse Vimse brand.

Continuous product if out of stock will be restocked.


ImseVimse was founded in 1988 and is based in the Swedish city of Visby. This company offers healthy, sustainable and affordable textile products for women and children: washable sanitary pads and panty liners, washable diapers, bibs, towels, wet bags...

From the beginning for the love of the environment they have chosen to use cotton that is grown organically , so that they can be sure of offering their customers healthy products. Production takes place mainly in Europe, especially in Latvia, but also in Türkiye and other countries. They impose rigorous standards on suppliers and manufacturers regarding environmental requirements and require annual checks on working conditions in factories. Their aim is for the products to meet the Oeko-Tex standard for fabrics and for ImseVimse to be ISO certified.


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